Week in Review: Crown Princess Victoria, 30 January - 5 February

Here's what Crown Princess Victoria wore the week of 30 January - 5 February:

  1. Presenting the Bertil Hult prize, 31 January.
  2. At the Jokkmokk Winter Conference, 2 February.
  3. More events at the Jokkmokk conference, 2 February. She wore this twice, I believe - also for a reindeer race. Oh, the life of a Scandinavian princess!
  4. At the Same Education Center in Jokkmokk, 3 February.
Best and Worst of the Week
This is going to sound odd, but I think I prefer #3 over all else. And no, it's not just because of the dog. Everything else is ruined for me by The Dreaded Ponytail! I'm fickle like that.

Photos: Svenskdam

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