Fancy New Blog Stuff

Oh, friends, have I got some updates for you. Here's what's new around the blog:

New commenting system: I installed a new commenting system for the blog, Disqus, which I think is a little more user friendly than Blogger's and lets you do fancy things like put clickable links in your comments and reply directly to other user comments. You can also subscribe to keep up to date on conversations happening in the comments. Take it for a spin!

New pages: We've got two new pages for your viewing pleasure...

A handy-dandy who's who guide to everyone we've ever covered on the blog, for your quick reference.

A one-stop shop for all wedding-related posts on the blog. It's time to gear up for royal wedding season - you don't want to be unprepared!

New blog feature: And speaking of royal wedding preparation...this week I'm rolling out a new feature:
Tiara Thursdays
Each Thursday we'll take a look at a new tiara! Because, who doesn't need more bling in their lives? 

From this Thursday until the first royal wedding of the year (that one in London, you remember) we'll be covering tiara suggestions for one Miss Catherine Middleton, since we all know that the diamonds make the wedding day.

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