Week in Review: Princess Máxima, 9-15 January

Here's what Princess Máxima wore the week of 9-15 January:

  1. Visiting the Be Interactive foundation, 11 January, a) with coat and b) without.
  2. Receiving the Sultan of Brunei, 13 January. An odd angle on this picture combined with the proportions of the outfit is creating a bit of a fun house mirror situation here, no?
  3. At Marcanti College in Amsterdam, 15 January.
Best and Worst of the Week
I could do without the matching red boots in outfit 3, but I still like this one best. Very flattering jacket. Outfit 2's also got a great jacket, but it's too short and the skirt's too high waisted - the proportions are all messed up. Also, I know that these group photos have to be an awkward thing to do, but I think a little posing practice might help things along. Right?

UPDATE: Missed this one, attending a memorial service for Célia von Bismarck, 17 January.

Photos: Daylife/Getty Images/Gespot AT5/bild.de

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