Royal Fashion Awards: Monaco's Circus

The circus is in town! In Monte Carlo, to be exact. Quite an event, this International Circus Festival, and as usual it brought those crazy Monegasque royals out in droves. They're always good for discussion, so let's get down to business:

Best Couple
Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo
Snuggly and cute, these two. Demonstrating two correct scarf-sporting methods, I might add: for decoration without overwhelming your outfit as in the first picture (most astutely noted by reader Alpa who emailed me pics) and when you're required to wear them, as in the second picture.

Most Formal
Charlene Wittstock
Wearing the winter version of her summer engagement dress, Charlene here is a whole lot of done up for the circus, right? It was her birthday that day, I suppose we're all allowed to dress up to whatever version of the nines we please. Not that I would know what the appropriate dress code for a circus visit is anyways. Nothing's scarier than a clown, if you ask me.

Most Appropriate
Princess Alexandra
Now, see, this is what I expect at the circus. Complete with what looks to be a repeat of the mouse shoes from National Day.

Best Sport
Pauline Ducruet
How many teenage girls can you think of that would be willing to sport a ridiculous wig in public? In front of cameras, no less! Points to Ms. Ducruet for that alone. The rest is typical teen, right down to the skinny trousers, but she looks happy to support her mom. Hey, Albert gets points too:

Most At Home
Princess Stephanie
I'm just going to say it: she looks good. She looks comfortable and happy to be circus-ing it up (she's the president of the organization, I believe). Still clearly not in the couture realms of her sister, but for Stephanie, this'll do. Oh, except for the SHOOTIES on display in that last picture. That will never do.

Best Circus Outfit
Charlotte Casiraghi
Well, she didn't actually go to the circus, but you wear clown pants, this is what you get. She's at a Gucci party, she's wearing a Gucci outfit. The same thing was worn by Jennifer Lopez. Not a lot of crossover there, royalty and J.Lo., usually. (Preferably.) This is kind of steezy though; you know, she's working the whole "I just woke up and threw on this old designer rag, and I could care less what you think" look. Which is sort of her thing, I guess.

So, what do you think: is Charlotte working it? Is Charlene overdressed? Do clowns scare you too?

Photos: Zimbio

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