The Empress's Escape

Empress Eugenie heard loud insults from the mob nearby. Too terrified to look out of the window, she wondered what to do. If she didn't escape she could be murdered like poor Marie-Antoinette! She knew that The Third Republic had already been declared.

Luckily, she still had friends amongst the Guards who helped her sneak out of the Palace in disguise and catch a cab to her dear friend, Dr.Evan's house. The American had been her dentist and friend for many years. She knew that he'd help her.She was desperate with little money left.

The Empress had to wait for Evans for two hours. Her impatience and anxiety almost drove her mad but she didn't know what else to do. Luckily they escaped without too much trouble. When they were stopped the Empress, dressed in black, pretended to be a lady on her way to the insane asylum who didn't want to go! After a long and tiring journey they reached Deauville. From here they hoped to flee to England.

Evans asked Sir John Burgoyne to take them across the Channel in his yacht. At first he refused, but his horrified wife insisted that he try to rescue the Empress. It was a rough voyage. The night was very dark, and the wind tore at the small boat. Everyone was seasick, except the deck-hands. Sir John thought that they were all going to die but eventually the night calmed down and they reached Ryde. Now the Empress could see the Prince Imperial who was at Hastings.

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