Makeup during nikah

5 years ago, when my sis got married, she took sue for her makeup artist, and my sister looked the most beautiful i have seen her ever..mashaAllah....

so 5 years ago, i knew i wanted to take sue for my makeup as kiranya i planned this even before i met habib himself...its one of those things that has been at the back of my head..after i booked my hall, the first person i called was sue, to book (that time 20th Feb 2010 was suppose to be my reception at the hall..not nikah..I planned 19th Feb to nikah at the Dewan of the Masjid opposite the hall, but as always we can only plan, in the end Allah SWT determines what actually happens)

Many has asked which is better, lova or sue??..well to be honest i can't really compare yet, sbb hari tu lova makeup very simple, for dinner je..nanti by my reception in July inshaAllah i will do a full review on the makeovers...

but the only problem is because sue cantik is indeed a "HE", so i had to cover up during the makeup session, hence it was a bit for both my functions in July, i'm taking female makeup artist..hehe..then no need to cover up during makeup..more comfy for me i guess...


p/s: our dear blogger rockonpink did a very help-full list of makeup artists and price at her here for link to the list

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